2021年11月27日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Movies? Blockbusters? What makes a good movie?
Bobby “Hey! Have you watched Shang-Chi yet?” It is the most popular prologue of my friends in the past few weeks. Their blinking eyes...

2021年11月25日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
The Dark Side of Fandom: Anime Taliban
Jack Liu Fandom, as a huge group of consumers of subculture, has undoubtedly revitalize the economy and contribute to the entire anime...

2021年11月23日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Can Music Provoke Changes In The Country Run By A Dictator?
Mellow Music is a powerful medium that delivers messages and provokes audiences’ feelings. Thus, it is often used for criticising social...