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2021年11月27日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Movies? Blockbusters? What makes a good movie?
Bobby “Hey! Have you watched Shang-Chi yet?” It is the most popular prologue of my friends in the past few weeks. Their blinking eyes...

2021年11月18日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Shang-Chi, the Kung-Fu Master who was cast aside by the Chinese
Joel Marvel's most recent release, "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings," received extraordinary comments and booming revenue...

2021年11月10日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
Wong Kar-wai: What makes us deeply immerse into his 90s filmography?
Reece Chan Anyone who has modest understanding of Asian cinema will most unquestionably have heard of Wong Kar-wai, the Hong Kong auteur...
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